Rotary Club of Calcutta Victoria W. Bengal - Rotary India

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YEAR    : 1993-94            CHARTER   PRESIDENT : DR. DURU LILARAM

DATE   :  16.6.93             Charter was presented at a ceremony in the August portals of

                                          Durbar Hall of  Victoria Memorial on 14th August ,1993


1.Leprosy --    Creating awareness about the disease,detection,cure & treatment including

                          correcting surgeries & rehabilitation of cured leprosy patients.


2. Toilets --      The high light of this years project was  Pay & Use Toilets at the Victoria

                          Memorial grounds  inaugurated by the  visiting RI President Robert Barth.

3. Literacy--     For the Disadvantaged children was launched on 14th August. About 100        

                          Children were provided shoes & clothes.

                          On 14th December we started our first Shantiniketan Type “Under the trees

                           School” for 40 children some from the platforms of Howrah Station. Later the

                           School shifted to a room under the Kidderpore Flyover area.

4. Sister club – With Rotaery Club of Singapore sister club relationship was formed.

Leaving the thrust areas we had numerous projects,fellowships, visits to old age homes,fund raise etc.

5 Citations received – Best Public & Inter Club Relations, Special award for Bulletin,

                              OUTSTANDING NEW CLUB IN THE DISTRICT.




YEAR : 1994-95         President :  DEEPAK ATAL

DATE :  9.7.94

MEMBERS  :  39


  1. Leprosy--  This disease is curable. Awareness created by distributing leaflets at

                    Vantage points in the city, banners displayed during festival times

                    District Padyatra was also organised.

                Donations  arranged for The Leprosy Mission Hospital for the treatment

                Of the patients and their children were provided financial assistance.

  1. Literacy – For disadvantaged children. Some children got admitted to Lala Lajpat

                                Rai Hindi High School from our Kidderpore School

                                Another school ASHRAY  opened at RVC at Daulatpur

                                Second RVC at Bonogram was chartered

  1. Toilets – In Bonogram 5 toilets were completed
  2. Health Check up – A mammoth camp was organised for Blood donation.
  3. Polio    --  Immunisation of 372 children against Polio was done.
  4. Self Reliance of Women – Nurses training sponsored for 25 girls




YEAR 1995-96              President :  CHHANDA BANNERJEE



  1. Leprosy : Organised 3 day Seminar inaugurated by Mother Teresa at Grecaltes.

                  Corrective surgeries ,rehabilitation were done leprosy patients   

                   Surgeons involved were Dr.Vijay Kumar & Dr. Johnof Leprosy Mission


  1. Literacy – Munshi Premchand sarani school continued with 45 chidren.

                                     Many more students went to the high school. We provided them music

                                     And other scholarships to students of Ashray at RVC in Daulatpur

  1. Women Upliftment—Projects of Zardozi embroidery 6 month course was done.

                                       Sewing machines were donated to  Association for Social

                                       Health in India(ASHI)to market the products.

  1. Water & Sanitation – 4 Toilets constructed at RVC Daulatpur .Tubewell was also

                                        Installed at Indira Colony,Kamarhati.

  1. Polio  --                         Polio immunisation continued. District Padyatra   created

                                                         Awareness about Polio eradication.

  1. Mother & Child Care—This was started at Kamarhati. Blood donation camp was

                                               Organised and 115units of blood was collected.

  1. Career Guidance – Programwith325 children was held at St James High School.
  2. Vocational Awards – Presented to various persons.
  3. International Womens Day – celebrated the day by felicitating 4 outstanding

                                        Women of Calcutta.

10. Fund Raise :                    An art exhibition at Chitrakoot Art Gallery, a fim show and

                                               A fashion show ‘Victorias Touch of Class’ organised .

Citations Received : Best Club  Service ,Vocational service,Public relations & Interclub relations, 2nd best for Functional Literacy.

Overall The Best Club in the district for the second time.








  1. Leprosy – On going project. Our association with the two hospitals Leprosy

                  Mission and Grecaltes continued more fruitfully.

                   No. of leprosy patients registered                             410

                   No. of patients declared                                              240

                    No. of patients deleted                                                 96

                   No. of patients under treatment                                 74

                   No. of patients surveyed                                             22843

                   No. of school ,colleges surveyed                                  20

                   No. of skin patients treated                                       1440

                   No. of patients rehabilitated                                               5

  1. Tuberculosis

                   No. of  TB patients detected                                            84

                   No. of  TB patients declared as cured                               24

                   No. of TB patients under treatment                               47

                   No. of  sputum(+ve) cases under treatment                22

                    No.of  patients with problems of the chest recd      405


  1. Literacy--  On going project –The school at Kidderpore doing well with 35 children

                          Who are provided   twice a week , clothes, warm garments , educational

                          Materials from time to time.^ more children admitted to high school in Lala

                          Lajpatrai Hindi High School and given financial assistance.

                          The school Ashray continued in Daulatpur.

                          COMPUTER lITERACY program launched at Loreto Day School ,Sealdah to

                          Benefit450 chidren of all strata of society. 6 teachers provided computer


  1. Pollution—A seminar on a unique programme on hazards of pollution was held. It

                           Covered noise and auto pollution attended by drivers ,owners of taxis,buses

                           ,mini buses,trucks etc.. Banners displayed in the city and 500 pamphlets d

                           Distributed .Other organisations involved Pollution Board,Calcutta Police IAS

                           & IPS officers & other envoirnmentalists were involved.


5.Interact Club – Our first Interact Club of Pratt Memorial School was chartered.

Many other projects like Blood Donation camp, visit to the Old age homes,Ryla,

Vocational awards, etc. were also conducted during the year.

One more sister club with  RC of Paco,Manila   and RC of Oaks Bay, British Columbia,

Canada was formed

Annual Giving : 7PHFs,6 PHSMs            


  1. Career guidance--  Workshop  was arranged at St. James

                                           High School for school leaving students

  1. Rotaract Club --  1st Rotaract Club of Calcutta Victoria was formed.
  2. 4-Way Test  -- About10 lakh people read 4 Way Test displayed in Cinema halls
  3. GSE Teams—A5 member team from Brazil d-4760 was hosted and 2nd sister club

                               Rotary Club of Montes from Brazil was formed.

  1. Matching Grant—our 1st Matching Grant for sinking  25 Tube wells in Khajurdaha in

                                              Hooghly district.

        Numerous other projects like fund raise, Ryla Camp ,fellowships etc were done .

         Citations Received : Best Club in the district,best Bulletin,best club service,best club

                                              Exhibit, International service (2nd





YEAR ---1997-98           PRESIDENT—Dr. ALKA JAISWAL Members --44


Great honour for the club to host the felicitation of the District Governer.


  1. Leprosy  --Ongoing project . Awareness camps were done at the Tiljala Clinic of

                   Grecaltes.  We donated an Ambassador car for the convenience of patients.

                   Medicines , Gypsum plasters were donated to Leprosy Mission hospital.

                   31 children of leprosy affected persons were provided financial assistance’

                   Initiated a matching grant project to providehousing ,food,elementary

                   Education to 25 children 6-8 years  with project partners RC of Chevereuse

                   Et sa Valle ( D-1660 ) and of Landberg am Lech ( D 1840 ).

  1. Literacy – Work continued in both our schools of Khidderpore and Ashray of Daulatpur.
  2. Career guidance—In computers at Lakhotia Compiter Centre held in 5 schools 1200

                   Children benefitted.

  1. 4 Way Test – Car Stickers were distributed. Water Cooler was given to Nicco Park  with

                     Sticker of 4 Way test.

  1. Pollution Drive – Hazzards of Automobile pollution and safe driving with Calcutta Police.
  2. Tailoring courses at Daulatpur RCC Satya Sai School.

Air conditioner maintenance and repair  project continued. Sewing machines distributed.

  1. Health Camps – Various health camps were organized at RVCs and RCCs.

                              At the major EYE check up camp 2000 patients were screened.

  1. Malaria Camps—For detection of Malaria free detection facility was arranged with

                               Calcutta Municipal Corporation.

  1. Interact Club – Second Interact Club at St. Johns’s Diocesan School was chartered.
  2. Rotaract Club – 3rd Rotaract Club was chartered ; Rotaract Club of Victoria North.
  3. GSE Team – The team from D-7410 Pensylvania,USA was hosted

                       Recommented Vishal Jayaswal  for youth exchange team to D-7530

  1. Fund Raise –An International evening “Sri Lanka Nite “ was at the Oberoi Grand.

Citations Received : Best Club for Club Service,Community and International Service,

Highest per capita contribution to TRF ,highest contribution to TRF, highest no. of active

Rotaract Clubs. Club Bulletins 2nd prize, Sight Preservation 3rd prize.

Best Club in the District with Club Membership over 40.




YEAR- 1998-99             President  --Santosh Arora   Members   47

DISTRICT GOVERNER  ---Prabhat Rohtagi


  1. Leprosy –The project received recognition . During the year the club received  3

                        Matching Grants 7261,9327,and 9466.

                         Worked a lot with Leprosy Mission Hospital as well as Grecaltes.


  1.  Literacy—Disadvantaged Children about 400 were provided financial assistance

                    Educational materials and scholarships . Computer donated to Kishalaya

                    A school for slow learners. World literacy day was celebrared .

  1. Career Guidance--Provided on fashion designing and police service  for school children.
  2. 4 Way Test – Promoted through slides in Cinema halls,puja pandals etc.
  3. Matching Grant—For nutrition no.9327 for providing nutrition and education to250

                     Street children launched on 25th June2000.

  1. Health Camps – Various health camps done for cancer,TB,heart,eye,malaria diabetes
  2. Income generating skills – Enterprenureship,development included courses in tailoring,

                             Poultry farming,banana plantation etc.

        8 . Fund Raise –WE ARE THE WORLD –A fun fair with cuisine from around the world and

                                     A fashion show

             Citations received :  Best Club forVocational,Community & youth service, per capita TRF







  1. Yoga & Physiotherapy – Provided training in Yoga & physiotherapy to uneducated,

Employed to develop income generating skills.

  1. New Rotary Club – Rotary Club of Calcutta Chowringhee was born.
  2. Leprosy—Matching Grant projects of previous year continued with Grecaltes & Tiljala

Clinic.Financial assistance provided to 25 children aged 5-19 who were either

  1. patients or children of Leprosy patients.
  1. Literacy – Focus shifted to establishing Pathfinder and Lightnhouse schools. The first

Pathfinder school was formed at St. Lawrence Evening School. Concentrated

Language Encounter (CLE) is a method of fast tracks learning. Scholar ships

Provided to host of children including a hearing impaired girl and visually

Challenged boy.

  1. Tailoring & Book binding – The income generating skills were started.
  2. Vocational Awards—Given to NN Ghosh for yoga,Tessa Hamblin dedication to children

With cerebral palsy and Satyajit Ray for dedication to disadvantaged children.

  1. International Womens Day ---4 eminent ladies were felicitated.
  2. 4 Way Test -- Printed on the back of stationary, time tables of school
  3. Health Camps—were organized for expectant mothers. Feeding bottles were donated for children in maternity homes.
  4. Nabanir – Old age home occupants were given legal aid.
  5. Disaster Relief – Given to people of Orissa after the devastation due to Super Cyclon
  6. Youth Exchange – Team from D 1840 from Germany &team of D-1250 Uk were hosted
  7. .Eye Care –Rotaract club of Cictoria North was supported.
  8. Fund Raise –Exhibition & sale of paintings by young artistes .

Citations Received

Best Bulletin, Club,Youth service , Literacy,MCH & Family welfare,service to disadvantaged

Children,Hunger & povertyalleviation(2nd), and Outstanding Club.






1.Leprosy : Work continued in this thrust area but on a low key.Financial assistance was

Provided for the awareness,detection,cure and rehabilitation programme.

Education for 27 children of affected leprosy patients.

Matching grant project # 9466 to provide education, nutrition, and shelter to

  1. children of leprosy affected persons at Balasore was completed this year.

2 Literacy : Another matching grant # 9327 to provide nutrition and literacy to 250 children

Was concluded this year.

Under the CLE ( Concentrated Language Encounter) matching grant # 11058,

The Path Finder School at St John’s Diocesan and Light House School at Pyara

Bagan Bustee was started and 10 teachers received CLE orientation.

Sports programme was organised for the 1st Path Finder school of St. Lawrence

Evening School.

62 children were given scholarships including10 visually challenged children.

3 Club Service : It was an year of numbers. I) 9 new members inducted ii) 5 Joint meetings

Organised iii) 3 Joint Bulletins published iv) 11 District events organised

v) 3 Art exhibitions held including a District event Art Vision.

4.Vocational : Training in Yoga and Physiotherapy for the educated unemployed youth

Free computer training center at Dum Dum and free training for tailoring

At Nadia

5. Micreocredit : Facilities provided. Vocational awards presented to 4 eminent persons.

6. Health Checkup : Several check up camps were for eye checkups for mother and children,

Senior citizens were organised. IOLs performed. Nabadisha supported at

Karaya police station. Sit & Draw competition organised for children.

7. Polio : Participated in 4NIDs and polio oral vaccine was given to children.

2 rallies with participation of 300 people , children and students were done.

Blood tests for Malaria were arranged free of cost for172 people.

8. Pooja Special : Children of Rainbow Project of Loreto Sealdah taken Pandal hopping

During the festive days.

Shoes ,socks, writing materials,T-shirts etc were given by Genesis Event

Management and tis was flagged off by the Governor o West Bengal HE Mr.

Viren Shah. Toys and new books were also given to Presidency Jail children of

the inmates.

9 : Seminars on population and development, parental responsibilityand menopausal

Syndromewere organised at RCC Satya Sai School and at RCC Khajurdaha

3 tubewells were installed.

10. Charter day: Celebrated on 16th Juneby painting with messages for Preserving Planet

Earth on a 100 mtr. Wall and also planting Youth exchange programme trees.

11. Youth : In Youth exchange programme incoming team from Bavaria was hosted.

12. GSE : Victorian Alka Jayaswal was selected team leader for the outgoing team to

Canada. .

Hosted the team from Japan as well as Canada.

13. Sister Club : Sister Club relationship formed with Rotary Club of Nippising Canada.

14. Fund Raise : Most events.projects were sponsored by members/well wishers.

Citations Received:

Preventable Diseases (1st) Service to downtrodden and the Handicap (1st) Mother & Child healthcare (1st), Rotary,Rotaract relations (1st),RCC (2nd), Women Empowerment (2nd), Community Service (3rd), Website (3rd), Net Membership growth (3rd). OUTSTANDING CLUB












  1. Leprosy : Work in this area continued. Detection and awareness camps were held

In conjunction with Grecaltes and Leprosy Mission hospital.

2. Literacy : CLE method was adopted by a no. of schools.Books distributed to

disadvantaged children. Sports were held for the evening schools.

3. Low Cost Shelter : Major project of 10 low cost shelters against a matching grant was

Completed at Nadia.

4. Yoga : Under yoga and physiotherapy was done for 24 students.

5. Knitting : Machines for sewing as well as knitting were donated to the vocational

Centreat RCC Eye Relief Society and 12 ladies received training in knitting.

6. Beauty : Beautician course of 6 months was carried out.

7. Microcredit : Facilities of micro credit were given to 8 ladies.

8 Vocational : Awards were given to4 eminent ladies on Women’s International Day.

9 Sarad Parikrama : Pandal hopping programme for 700 children was done with Times

Of India

Sports meet organised for 600 children in CLE schools with the help

Of Pepsi& Bata.

10 Other Projects : Entertainment programmes arranged for senior citizens at Nabanir,

At Chetla and Asha Niketan Salt Lake.

Two Eye screening camps were organised .100 IOL’s were done.

11 Polio : All NID were supported

12 GSE Team : Team from Canada was hosted

13 Fund Raise : Several small fund raises were done. Screening of Cinema,Selling of

Cards with painting by children were organised .We are the World an

International event was held for 2 days at Ultadanga.

Citations Received : Night Shelter for300 Children at Loreto Day School Sealdah(1st)

Citation for Yoga & Physiotherapy Training project, Rotary -Rotaractor

Relation and RI Presidential Citation.





  1. Literacy – 24 Scholarships and educational materials given to low income groups.
  • Seeds of Love Library and Toy Bank set up for Rainbow children of Loreto Sealdah.
  • A new project ‘Newspaper in Education ‘ was started
  • 300 disadvantaged children of night shelter provided with beddings.
  • Sharad Parikrama for 300 children with Times of India continued.
  1. Leprosy : Our partners in service R.C. Como Italy provided funds for the project in

Grecaltes & Leprosy Mission Hospital.. Awareness camps were held.

Medicines & Dressings , blankets were provided to leprosy spatients.

Educational materials given to patients children.44 chidren at St.Vincents

Charity centre at Balasore was inaugurated. This was a matching grant project

  1. Vocational : Course of Yoga & Physiotherapy for 28 young educated unemployed youth.
  • Training centre for tailoring,embroidery at St. Vincent’s charity centre.
  • New project giving training in home care to young ladies of the night shelter

Was held at Loreto Sealdah.

Other Projects :

Career Counselling, honouring of teachers, medical camps, support to senior citizens,

RYLA was held for youths.

  1. International :
  • World Peace and Understanding day & United Nations Day commemorated.
  • Visitors from Canada & USA entertained.
  • TRF contribution of US $ 5000 was there Hemy Kapur became MPHF.
  • Grand Fellowship in Mainland China restaurant on the Charter days 10th

Anniversary to celebrate service to the community.

  • Polio awareness continued . Supported all NIDs and SNIDs.



The district governor decided not to give any awards to any club.


